
My work has been paper based over the last several years using various media such as watercolour, drawing, collage and paper cutouts. I use the medium of collage as I like the precision involved and find it an ideal medium for experimentation and playfulness. This is demonstrated in my paper 'cutouts' in which I use flat, colourful shapes with scissors as a drawing tool to produce fine level of detail. I draw inspiration from the natural world  – the animal kingdom, birds, plants, trees, flowers and leaves. Recently I have been exploring death in nature and the nature of death – what happens when living things start to fail and wither away and how they relate to the environment.  I am interested in the dignity and finality of death as well as the strange beauty of a lifeless, dead bird or animal. I have examined this theme in the studies of dead animals found lying on the ground and in a long paper cutout collage in which dead animals and birds lie on the forest floor surrounded by fallen leaves and branches and a part carcass. Despite the macabre subject matter, it is a colourful scene which gives hope for the future.

'Macdonald's deceptively naive paintings narrate a numinous land of dreams, filled with witty imagistic juxtapositions and happy surprises. Sincerity sustains her visions, yet real pictorial savvy makes her compositions compelling for their formal qualities as well as for her wonderfully upbeat sensibility' (Taplinger, M., Gallery & Studio, Vol. 5 No. 3 , Feb-March 2003, New York).